Contact Us
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Hours of Operation
Fall/Spring Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Closed Weekends & Holidays
Contact Information
- (309) 438-2273
- Fax: (309) 438-3853
Office Location
1st Floor Bone Student Center
(Back of 1E Lounge, look for the red wall)
200 N University Street
Normal, IL 61790-1250Mailing Address
1250 Redbird Card Office
Illinois State University
Normal, IL 61790-1250
Can't find what you are looking for? Feel free to contact one of us:
Rachel Lawrence - Manager
Pam Burress - Front Desk
Theresa Beaver - Accountant
Forms related to the Redbird Card Office can be found on our Forms page.
Report a Problem
If you encounter a problem with a card reader, please consult the following:
If the problem involves a vending machine:
Call Canteen Vending at (800) 788-6380, 24 hours a day.
If your card produces the message "Read Error" when it is swiped:
Try swiping the card in the opposite direction or change the speed of the swipe (try swiping it faster or slower). If none of these work, bring the card to the Redbird Card Office. The magnetic stripe is either damaged or demagnetized and your Redbird Card needs to be replaced, if you turn in the old card there is only a $5 fee. Redbird Cards are replaced for free if they are four years old or older.
If you notice that your card works in some vending machines but not others:
Chances are that your card works at vending machines located in the residence halls because they accept more accounts than non-residence hall (academic/administrative building) vending machines. Consult the location list for more details.
If you get the message "Bad Card" while swiping the card through a copy machine:
There isn't a problem with your card. The message means the copy machine is off-line. Try another copy machine on a different floor since the machines are linked and one off-line on a floor usually means all of them on that floor are off-line. Please report the problem to the Milner Information Desk or call (309) 438-CARD (2273)
If your card is lost and you would like to deactivate your card:
You can use My Illinois State. Once logged-in, scroll down to the section labeled "Report Lost or Found" and select "Report my Redbird Card Lost". This will immediately deactivate your card. Once the card is deactivated, if it is swiped, the lost/stolen error message will appear. If you find your card, you can use My Illinois State to reactivate your card.
If you do not have access to My Illinois State, call the Redbird Card Office at (309) 438-CARD (2273) and they will deactivate your card for you. See the Disclosure Statement (section IX) for liability on lost/stolen Redbird Card transactions.
For other problems not listed, contact the Redbird Card Office at (309) 438-CARD (2273).